Composer | Sound Designer | VO Casting Director with over 10 years of experience creating audio for games. Open to commissions & freelance work. Member of the NG community since 2005.

John Montoya @JohnMontoya

Age 28, Male

Audio Professional

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 4/3/14

Exp Points:
210 / 280
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.23 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 1m 2d

JohnMontoya's News

Posted by JohnMontoya - October 8th, 2021

Happy 19th anniversary to TimeSplitters 2! I spent countless hours playing TS2 with my best friend and older brother growing up. Here's to the amazing team at Free Radical and Graeme Norgate!

BIG UPDATES (reposted from my Discord server)

Thank you so much for your patience, love, and understanding during my transition. Since my last update, a lot of things have happened to me. I wanted to update everyone here first because I miss interacting with you all.

(This) month marks a year since I created this community! Y'all are the best! Now that I'm in a better spot, I am going to figure out how to budget my time properly so I can make this community active again.

I am happy to say that I am no longer homeless and haven't been for a couple of months now. I've been staying with friends as I build up my finances to get out of the debt I put myself in since I moved here. I am safe, happy, and definitely well-fed!

I am a full-time audio engineer/editor! I am finally working on my dream job and working on so many amazing projects that I can't wait to share with you all. While my contract is temporary, they are interested in helping me grow and train me to work on projects outside of editing. I also have another recording studio that is interested in me, so I have possibilities now! Never give up on your dreams, ever. Things got pretty hairy for a moment, but I'm now stabilizing and in a better place. Life is still challenging, of course, but I'm the happiest I've been since the pandemic started. Having you all here has helped keep my spirits up, too. I can't wait to host more events like the SNES Music Contest! I'll definitely have to stream for you all soon, too!

I hope you're well and safe. You haven't left my mind. You are all very important and do amazing things, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. I believe in everyone one of you. If you ever need anything, I'm always here to help (when I'm not busy, haha!).

Love you all. Thanks for everything. Here's to the next chapter!



Posted by JohnMontoya - June 28th, 2021

Hi everyone,

As some of you may know, I lost my job in Texas and decided to take a huge risk by moving to California with next to nothing. My industry is out here and I know I can find a bunch of opportunities related to voiceover, audio engineering, and composing music. My brother and I originally had plans of staying with someone, but unfortunately those plans fell through about after a week of living here. However, I am happy to report that we are safe, well fed, and have job opportunities lines up. My brother doesn’t have the experience and network like I do, so I am focusing on helping him find jobs before I find more freelance gigs as an audio/music professional.

I don’t want to get into much details because a lot of stuff that happened is very personal and sensitive. I sincerely appreciate your support and love every singe one of you.

If you wanna support me, the best way to do that right now is to purchase my music on Bandcamp and stream my music on Spotify. My Patreon isn’t active at the moment due to being homeless but I will post more once I establish myself.

Yall are the best! ❤️


Posted by JohnMontoya - March 6th, 2021

i love you


Posted by JohnMontoya - February 12th, 2021

I am excited to announce my collaboration with Groupees! For 3 weeks only, get 10+ royalty-free music collections and choose for a part of your contribution to be donated to JoyRX Music Charity. It's a win-win!

Visit https://groupees.com/rfmb11 to learn more!


Posted by JohnMontoya - February 5th, 2021

My friends at New World Interactive are hosting a free weekend of Insurgency: Sandstorm! So, I'm going to give away a Steam code to one lucky person who likes and retweets this. You can also get it 50% off right now on Steam. (Not sponsored, just bored.)

You can also check out the interview I did on Indie United!


Posted by JohnMontoya - January 19th, 2021

Hello all!

I recently relaunched soundAPE, my music label, and publishing company. Our goal is to tackle the issue of DMCA Takedown Notices and copyright-strikes on Twitch, Facebook Gaming, YouTube, and other similar platforms. We release royalty-free music that doesn't sound stock. We offer Spotify Playlists to streamers and direct-licensing options to content creators.

We were recently approached for an exciting opportunity that I can't go into detail about here. I'm currently looking for artists who would like me to represent their music for licensing and future opportunities like the one we were presented with.

Here's the deal:

  • You can sell your music on Bandcamp, Apple Music, and more without having to pay me royalties.
  • You keep your rights, including your copyright and writer's share.
  • 50/50 from direct-licensing fees (commercial license sales from Bandcamp, advertisements, video games, and other placements)
  • Free promotion (I pay for marketing and ads)
  • Optional - I publish your music on Spotify & Pandora Radio for playlist placements created by me.
  • Optional - I publish your music on YouTube (playlist placement like this - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSRiMTO0ZDL7wZsbAsvp97EAP-CW7S-gZ)

You can visit https://soundape.net to get an idea of who we are.

You MUST have a professional sound. Your credits list won't impress me -- your production and compositional skills will.

Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to send your demo reel to https://johnmontoya.wetransfer.com (PREFERRED) or email contact@soundape.net

Thank you!



Posted by JohnMontoya - December 15th, 2020

Hello everyone!

I am so proud to announce that I collaborated with the Pixel Mixers and Peter "XenoKeyz" Jones on Sunrise & Moonfall - A Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask Tribute Album!

Inside a House

Inside Lord Jabu Jabu

Special thanks to Peter Jones for collaborating with me! Follow him! https://twitter.com/PJonesComposer

JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER - We talk about music production, video games, share ideas, and more!

SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER - Join for a chance to win a $25 Steam gift card!

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - Lots of cool things there, too!

FOLLOW ME ON NEWGROUNDS - You'll be up-to-date with my latest releases, contests, and more!

Purchase my music here: https://jmontoya.bandcamp.com/



Posted by JohnMontoya - December 4th, 2020

I'm giving away Drumazon (Roland TR-909 emulation) by D16 Group to one lucky member of my Discord Server! All you gotta do is join my Discord server & let me know you're a music producer (there are server members who don't produce music)! You can join here - https://tinyurl.com/jlmdiscord


Posted by JohnMontoya - November 29th, 2020

Next week (December 6th) marks the 25th anniversary of me winging it (AKA my birthday). To celebrate reaching level 25, I'm giving away a license for Drumazon by D16 Group! All you gotta do is join my Discord server! I'm going to pick a random winner on December 7th. To learn more about Drumazon, visit https://d16.pl/drumazon

This isn't sponsored, I just wanted to give away something. :D



Posted by JohnMontoya - November 20th, 2020

My music is in a VICE TV documentary about Zombie Nation's "Kernkraft 400”, one of my favorite dance tunes of all time. This is an incredible honor for me. In fact, if you watch the TV version, you'll also learn about Darude's Sandstorm! My cue starts at 08:10! :D

